Projects/ Pirgo - Un piccolo auditorium

In June 2004 Marcello proposes to the Major of Civitavecchia, a town located 75 Km north of Rome with one of the largest ports of the Mediterranean sea, a feasibility study investigating the possible reuse of a small island used for bathing facilities destroyed during the 1970's by a hurricane. The island, after years of abandonment (the damaged R.C. structural frame was removed many years after the hurricane and represented a recurrent vision of decay during Marcello’s childhood) is currently configured as a terrace for sunbathers, function that, in our opinion, does not explore the site potential in relation with either the context or use demand. The function proposed for the site in this feasibility study is concert hall with accessory catering facilities.

Photo-montage showing the proposed Concert Hall in the context

Photo-montage showing the proposed Concert Hall in the context

The project has the objective of soliciting public attention on an exceptional location currently left unused. It is also an occasion to recall the memory of a site that represented a strong landmark for the inhabitants of the town of Civitavecchia.

Exploded Perspective View of the Study Model

South Elevation

South Elevation

Transversal Section

Transversal Section

Original Bathing Facilities

Original Bathing Facilities

Exploded Perspective View of the Study Model

North Elevation

North Elevation

East Elevation

East Elevation

Perspective View of the Concert Hall Entry Lobby

Perspective View of the Concert Hall Entry Lobby